Monday, October 24, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005

You will see the passing of time more prominently in a child. I can’t believe my nephew is one already, he’s walking, talking and terrorising the cat already.
Monday, October 17, 2005
End of an era.
The great liberation of
here is a link to an article on the railway
A Chinese news story takes a typically Chinese view on the Railway. I quote:
They do not find fault with the project's engineering design, but oppose any of
Only when one sees with his or her own eyes a Tibetan who struggled his way on rugged roads on foot on a bare mountain can he realize what a modern traffic tool means for
They, who are enjoying all the conveniences and luxuries of modern civilization, are disqualified to make any remarks to defame
Such tub-thumpers neglected a basic truth of human history: Development is a common choice of the human race, and no one should, or can, slam on a brake on a train to modern civilization.”
Beyond that gate is a different world. The streets are in disrepair and the people impoverished. You cannot sit and stare for too long though because you are very quickly ushered on by the Chinese authorities if you look even vaguely interested in the plight of the Tibetans. All I can say is this: I’m glad that I got the chance to see
Chinese Lhasa
Tibetan Lhasa
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What is the EMA? It’s a thing the government give to kids who stay on in higher education. Basically they give you between £10 -£30 for showing up to high school everyday on time, completing your homework etc. Now the problem I have with this is that when you finish your GCSEs you get given the opportunity to leave school, if you do then you go and get a job, if you don’t you do you’re A levels and get paid by the state for turning up. So you get bigger class sizes, more idiots staying on just because they are getting paid to and more people just generally taking advantage of the system. What a load of pants. Every time I read about things like it gets on my nerves, you should stay on to learn because you want to do just that, learn.
We have a public transport system that is a bag of shit ( I went to Worcestershire on the train yesterday and it cost me £4.10 to travel two stops! It was about 7 minutes! ) and the NHS is slowly falling apart but we can afford to pay kids to stay at school?! This country has got so many problems.