
(Chillies drying in the sun)
There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first is excellent, the second good, and the third useless.
As an introduction (after all this is my blog and I wish to be neither faceless or nameless) let me explain. I am not a religious fanatic, I do not believe in God and no doubt if he did exist, he wouldn’t believe in me. I consider myself an atheist but it’s a classification that is subject to change.
When I was small my parents asked me if I wanted to be christened, I said no. I don’t know why I said no or why my parents accepted my decision; after all, my sister was christened and conformed and my parents both are stead fast believers in their own visions of God. Since then I’ve been intrigued by religion, I’ve read about it, studied it, travelled across to world to see it in it’s different guises, and yet still I’m no closer to understanding why I said no.
For some reason people find it hard to accept that any one can be an atheist, that someone can be completely solid in their absolute disbelief of creator and superior being. I often get the word agnostic thrown in myself as people criticize my stand point and try to change my mind.
“You don’t not believe in him, you just can’t prove it either way”
I don’t believe. In some respects this has made my studying much easier, it’s given me a broader view and a clean slate. I can approach any god I want to because to me any god is no god. Once upon a time I used to think that maybe it was because there was a plan for me, for some reason I was cursed with an inability to believe in the almighty because it was my purpose on earth to do something else. The stupidity of youthful thoughts had me chasing my tail.
It’s everywhere, everyone is complaining about everyone else being too fat, but should the government intervene? Should the nanny state step in?
It’s a tough one, and in some cases I think it can be a double edged sword. So the government should intervene to stop people getting fat and draining the National Health Service with weight related health issues.. they should also intervene to stop people smoking and drinking excess because they drain the national health service.. good points but what exactly do you achieve? A nation of people with no freedoms and a social norm with absolutely no diversity. We are all healthy, thin and completely detoxed.
That’s great
I mean realistically what can you do? You can take alcohol, cigarettes and MacDonalds away from people because you’re infringing on their freedoms.
I think all people in this country should be entitled to the same level of care, regardless of how little respect they have for their own health. Yes the government should educate people about the dangers but it isn’t their sole responsibility to do so. It’s all of our responsibility. If my sister went out binge drinking I’d kick her arse into shape and tell her when she’d had too much.
People fall into drink and drugs for their own reasons and it’s not for anyone to take the moral high ground, dish out blame and tell them that they aren’t worthy of treatment. If they do damage to them self, they will have to live with it, surely that’s enough?
The first time I ever voted, I voted for new labour. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I was young and voting was a big step into the world of adulthood for me, the fact that I wasn’t educated enough to make the right decision didn’t phase me, I just wanted to vote.
But now, now is a different story. It seems that every time I turn on the television or read the newspaper, I wince as another sordid tale of corruption or shake my head at another government blunder is revealed.
The most recent events that come to mind are;